There are times on your journey into self when you’re going to feel very alone.
You’re going to feel like you’ve drawn the short straw and why, oh why, can’t you be less complicated?
Why can’t you be like the sheep you see daily, who have not experienced the awakenings or downloads of self-knowledge that you have?
You’re going to ask yourself if this road is worth it, if what you’ve had to give up, suffer, process so far, has been worth it.
And as much as you will yourself to say no, as much as you look around at the richer, more successful, ignorantly happy people, the truth is that you can’t unsee or unhear the things that you have witnessed and felt within your body.
Your view, however topsy turvy, is multidimensional, euphoric, truth soaked.
On your journey deeper into yourself there is a level of consciousness that once attained, feels like home. It can’t be superseded or compensated for with the life that regular people have.
There’s a chance you’ll lose much, the further you dive, but it’s nothing compared to the blessings you resurface with.
You’re going to wonder at every dark night of the soul, why you’re back to square one, only to be reminded that it’s square one of a higher level.
You’re going to go through all of this and more, and yet still, the reality of how hard and sublime it is won’t change.
If this is the lifetime where you have the chance to live awakened, to continually grow and connect with the true nature of your own consciousness, you know you have to take it.
Otherwise, you’ll be back here in the next lifetime, only to repeat it all.