Working with me can feel like a rollercoaster. A smooth start, before I ask the one question that tips you over the edge.
Then it’s fast, emotionally it’s bumpy and the minute you think you’re done, here comes another unexpected loop to scare the shit out of you.
The loop you could only get to by coming this far on the track.
The loop that could be bigger or smaller than your first, that one you thought was tough enough.
The loop you know you have to go through, because it makes no sense to stop midair.
And so you keep going, you cry, laugh, find it hard to speak, easy to scream. You do what you have to do, until we’re back on level ground.
And guess what? You did it. You felt freedom and abandon. You spoke from your heart and responded without caring that it may not be pretty.
You were vulnerable, but with the fear came joy, a belief that the ride would hold you, safely.
And you felt freedom, from everything holding you down.
So yep, you queue up again.
Coaching is wild, fun, hard, easy. It’s all these things and more. It heals parts of you aching to rest.
It is the best of experiences.