There is a beast that entered this world long before any of us; when starved it remains only dormant and yet when fed, its growth is exponential. It is soundless and invisible to untrained ears or eyes and simultaneously, felt so deeply that no unmastered sense can truly function in its presence. On the rare occasion I meet with others for whom its existence is clear, there is a sigh of relief. There is the unmistakable soul-nod to how sweet life is, in this viewing gallery of awareness. Here, our foundation of certainty is not so easily shaken. Here, we greet shockwaves with a reckoning force, absorbing every lesson into the arsenal of our own personal power. Our vantage leaves the beast exposed and best of all, we are able to turn and quiet it, every time it lunges for our nervous system, heart or mind.
In the hall of mirrors below, it is quite another story. Down there the beast is strong, roaming loose as a single, infinitely skewed and multiplied illusion. Here, people are being stalked in the most unrelenting way, oblivious to the parasite they carry on their journey. In meeting with these humans, so detached from their souls, there is no exhalation of recognition. The only emotions to surface comprise a cocktail of disappointment, disbelief, sadness and helpless impotence. These people can so rarely be saved, so rarely are aware they need to save themselves. These people have befriended their shape-shifting tormentor and gifted it rights over their autonomy. Any ascent from servitude of this depth could very well take lifetimes and, not all can withstand the level of disentanglement inflicted and required by such work. The only sigh released in the presence of these people, is an empathetic release of the pressure that their own soul is suffocating under.
And so, this beast lives, thrives, wholeheartedly in the deaf and dumb fear of its emotionally blind human servants. It is fed every time intuition leaves renounced, replaced by mainstream media bulletins or the anxiety infused ramblings of a friend. It is sated every time an external rule overwrites one’s own internal reasoning, deduction or independent thinking. The beast is fed by the fear that ensues when one has no in-built or self-maintained grounding in truth; when the ability to prioritise or discern between information, universal messages or outright campaigns of soul control, is absent. There is an army of souls for whom this fiercely ravenous beast has now morphed into both mother and murderer of their peace, and it is devastating to life.
Even with the understanding that this is perfect order, divine orchestration; it leaves older souls winded to witness.
Some, in the hall of mirrors, are awakening and ascending their position faster than others. These humans are seeing how quickly the scales of peace move in their favour, once they stop contributing to world fear by constantly cowering in their own. They are discovering that the temporary relief afforded by offering fear-tainted love, aid, shelter, words or money, is only a distraction from the creature at their own throats. Fear is not displaced by acts of kindness, it is dulled and pushed further down into one’s own well, which will one day, one life, overflow. There are souls everywhere, flooding the planet.
The only way to stop feeding the beast that keeps you in the servitude of fear, anxiety and incessant uncertainty, is to acknowledge the mirrors it is using and to shatter them. One must turn to face the creature, head-on, and begin to fight it from the inside out. The inside of your own self. In the subtlest of Machiavellian power plays, this beast has weaponised your own spirit against you. Its power is yours. It is your power it has been harvesting and reassigning.
It is not necessary to name the beast, not helpful at this stage to become distracted with defining or labelling it. All that is needed, right now, is the rising up from your internal knees, the taking hold of any hand offering leverage, and the movement from a puppet into owner of the stage. Your stage is awaiting you and you are the lead. As much as you feel the show is careening on, around and without you, in truth it is yet to begin. Your fear is all that stands in your way.