
Homesick this spiritual space
Image by steven arenas on Pexels

We are all homesick.

We are all longing for the place

to belong,

where we may show up whole 

and seen 

by the group.

Releasing all 

the ways we water down

to fit in,

discarding the shadows 

and the decoys, we have created

to throw others off our scent.

We are all homesick for the tribes

that help the healing of marriages,

the nurturing and care 

for one another’s children,

and the soothing to all parts of us

that ache.

We are all homesick 

not for the material,

the plot of brick and mortar, or

piece of land that is vast

and ours,

but for what it might represent,

for what it means

to receive support on all the planes

of who we are.

We are all homesick

for where the individual is encouraged to thrive,

as in turn they help another.

We are thirsty for freedom, 

justice that is meted out 

by universal and ancestral forces

greater than our own.

We are all homesick 

with the unmet itch of the whole, 

for the leashed opinion we check at our throats, 

the ease of yes and no

the alignment of material and soul.

We are all homesick 

for truth.

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