How Sensitive Is Your Aura?

How Sensitive Is Your Aura? this spiritual space
Image from Pexels by Ezekixl Akinnewu

For some of us, the ability to tune into our auras or consciously use our intuition is a natural part of life. We’re more sensitive to the energy and intentions moving in and out of our field, more aware of what jars with us in any given moment. Occasionally, this gift is born through trauma, the legacy of one’s survival being dependent on hyper alertness. Other times, our intuition and auric sensitivity is something we have proactively honed, taking the time to rediscover latent and powerful talents.

Developing the connection you have to your space will mean different results for everyone. For example, there are those more attuned to shifts caused by supernatural happenings. They won’t notice a human entering their space, but a walk through the site of a tragic event and immediately they feel the imprint of former times. Other people are more locked into future fields, their emotions acting as antennae for events that the rest of us must wait to experience. The way our bodies intersect with reality is an entirely unique experience.

For those of you who feel like you’re disconnected from your extra sensory perception, you’re probably selling yourself short. Have you ever returned home and instantly felt that the house is empty? Or the opposite, have you ever felt someone in your space before seeing them? And, how many times have you felt someone watching you? These are everyday examples of how we connect to the world, without being reliant on the usual five senses.

There are easy practices you can try to help with your spiritual development. In workshops, we teach you to consciously expand your field, it can help with feeling more grounded or physically secure. You can also learn how to contract your field, to keep out unwelcome energies or people. Both practices need to be done safely, with full awareness of the different outcomes they may lead to.

If you’re interested in exploring your aura and how to work with it more, there are multiple routes. My first suggestion, is to sit in a public place and pay attention to what you experience around you. You can:

Study how it feels when different people come closer and when they move away. 

Pay attention to what signals you feel in your body – your stomach, chest, head.

Notice how your breathing is altered.

Become aware of how your thoughts are changed.

Note: Self awareness is key in so many things. Having good knowledge of your baseline (normal/resting/everyday) feelings and emotions will help.

To learn more, or work with me 1:1, take a look at my spiritual development workshops.

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