Night Sky

Night Sky this spiritual space
Image by niclawc on Pexels

Meditative, I bid the universe, show me something beautiful. I needed nothing else, and so I gifted free reign to an experience of wonder.

Show me, something beautiful.

Immediately, night sky. I, standing level with it, penthouse view. Lights shining beneath, far, wide. Yellow, red, in windows, towers, streets. A galaxy of lives.

My guides, they said, “This is what we see, this is the view we have. When you’re down beneath, thinking your problems are huge, confused about your next move, whether to leave a light [emotion, feeling, thought, action] on or turn it off, we’re up here and we have the complete picture. We see the light that led to where you are now, we see how decisions dim or brighten the contrast, re-route gifts and curses, before they reach you. We see one light flicker off, another two flicker on, closer. This view, this is the beauty you don’t witness, because you’re down there, living. Up high, it is all so small, you have no idea how beautiful it is from here, and we sometimes cannot get low enough to appreciate how hard the details are, for you. But you came for the details, and it’s hard as your people say “to read the label from inside the jar”. It is wondrous what you have down low. When you look up at the stars, understand that the heavens only reflect. You are studying your own world, it is you, upside down. Do not to look up. Get high enough, and look down.”

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