Saying ‘No’ is Not Enough

Saying ‘No’ is Not Enough this spiritual space
Photo by Veeterzy on Unsplash

You need to pay attention to the residue that ‘no’ leaves behind in you.
Saying ‘no’ and feeling guilty about letting someone down, or hurting someone’s feelings, is not experiencing the full power of your right to say ‘yes’ to yourself.
Saying ‘no’ and over compensating, or feeling obliged to ‘make it up to someone’, is not standing in the full power of making decisions that are best for you.
Saying ‘no’ and thinking you have, as a consequence, missed out on an opportunity, is denying your intuition the grace to stand firm in its power.
It’s not enough to just say no. 
It’s not enough to believe that ‘no’ is a complete sentence. Not when in reality it’s just the beginning of an inner, damaging, dialogue that you’re about to have with yourself.

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