There is a phenomenon that will occur in your life, it will descend on you unexpectedly and repeatedly.
You’ll wake up one day and make a discovery.
An insight so profound and yet so glaringly obvious that you’re unsure if you really have not noticed it before. It’s familiar, even if you cannot place it.
Staring in your bathroom mirror, you’ll suddenly have the clearest vision you’ve ever had of yourself.
And what you’ll see is this:
A person who has arrived at this point in their life, utterly unconsciously.
A person who has moved on an undercurrent of external expectation, glued themselves to roadmaps created by other people, and avoided conflict like cracks in the paving stones of compromise.
It will hit you, the same way it did last week, or maybe last year, when you unexpectedly came across another person so free that it was blinding.
That person who possessed such an air of uniqueness, you coveted an exact replica of it. Missing the point entirely.
This morning reflection will be a crossroads in your life, where you see how practised you are at everything.
Everything but the art of being yourself.
Practised at pleasing.
Practised as hiding.
Practised at conforming.
Practised at fearing.
And yet somehow being who you are, who you really are, has been left to the fates. To the Gods.
Only those Gods are human.
So now, on this non-descript morning, you stare into the mirror, faced with the absolute compulsion to rip it all away.
To master you.
To begin to excel at a conscious life and to live it, come shame, fire or hailstone. Right through and into the blazing sun of freedom.
Until your phone sounds and you see the reminder, that you have a meeting at ten.
Most will pack the feeling away, forgetting the enormity of what they have just witnessed, before they even leave the room.
Most will reject themselves so casually and completely, that when asked who are you?, they will have no answer.
Will never have an answer.
When your own moment arrives and the phone sounds in the middle of it, reminding you of who you have agreed to be, have practised being, ignore it.
For the sake of your soul, ignore it.